Brisbane City Gymnastics Club
Brisbane City Gymnastics Club
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"
- Tim Notke
Competitive Gymnastics
Competitive Gymnastics
Letting your daughter experience Women’s artistic gymnastics will give her the right start in life, growing into a happy, healthy and responsible young adult. Some of WAG's benefits include but not limited to:
- Enhances co-ordination and agility, for body awareness and balance
- Develops posture and confident body movement, including the ability to land safely
- Enhances creativity and builds self-confidence for sport and life
- Develops strength and flexibility for life's constant challenges
- Develops a healthy mind and body for now and later life
Women’s artistic gymnastics (WAG) involves a combination of tumbling, strength and power across 4 different apparatus.
A 25m run up developing the necessary power to take off from a springboard, and completing aerial skills before finishing with a stable landing.
Uneven Bars
Continuous swings in all directions including above, below and between bars with multiple re-grasp elements, leading with an acrobatic dismount.
Balance Beam
A series of leaps, jumps and turns demonstrating elegance, flexibility, balance and control, before a tumbling combination to dismount.
A routine which is choreographed to music displaying tumbling, strength and balance movements connected with gymnastic artistry.
Competitive Classes
Please note, all competitive squads/members are by selection ONLY. Gymnasts progress from our general gymnastics classes or from other clubs. Pre-assessment required so that we can select an appropriate class for your child. Selected gymnasts will compete at various competitions throughout the competition year depending on their age, level and testing results.