Brisbane City Gymnastics Club
Brisbane City Gymnastics Club
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"
- Tim Notke

Kinder and Preschool Gym
Kinder and Preschool Gym
KINDERGYM is a movement program for children five years and under and their caregiver, designed to develop the whole child, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically, in a safe, structured, multi sensory environment.
A positive, nurturing relationship is fostered between the child and the parent/caregiver developing and improving the child's confidence, self esteem, physical, social and emotional skills.
So what impact will a quality Kidergym program have on your child?
- We provide a safe, exciting, developmental - based environment for your child to learn about their bodies, body parts, movement directions, body control, gross & fine motor skills and forming social relationships.
- With the help of various teaching aides, your child will learn to recognise shapes, colours and orientations as well as learning basic commands (for example, "go/around/under/over/through")
- Your child will experience a strengthening of the muscles of the body, development of spacial awareness, and of course a healthy enjoyable opportunity to expand that extra energy!
- The use of rhymes, songs, and rhythmic recitations throughout the session, with encouraged movement to music - all the time teaching and encouraging a healthy, fun, active lifestyle from those very important early years onwards!
- The activities performed in our KinderGym program will improve posture, strengthen the spine, muscles and joint of the body and - most important in the early years - will provide solid development in the area of balance and stabilisation.
As you can see, KinderGym is about much more than gymnastics. It provides a solid foundation for your child's development - for ALL walks in life! It incorporates all of the basic skills they will need later in life and is also the base for any other sport they may choose to pursue in later years!
What do we offer?
- Kindergym (18 month to 4 years with parent/carer) - Class Length: 45 minutes
Please contact us for the most up-to-date dates and times.